
PRANK PHONE CALLS??!?>!?!? please help!!? URGENT!!?

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I need some good phone prank calls to use on my friends please!!!!! urgent!!




  1. hello is mike hawk there its urgent, his mom eda hawk has been hurt in a terrible accident!!

  2. me and my frend did this 1 its kinda stupid but her it goes

    weee called the stanly steamer business

    lady:Hello this is stanley steamer :]

    Me::D omg omg omg can i talk to stanly?

    lady:(says somthing in backround and laughs) njo hes not her at the montent

    Me:D: well can u tell him to give me a call i love him!



    Me:Hello this is bestys boob jobs im calling about the bood job u wanted if u still want this FREE boob job press...4

    Guy:dial tone


  3. k, if u really need to embarrass (and get into serious trouble) a girl u HATE call their house and say "yes this is (insert name) from planning parenthood is (unlucky kids name) home her test results are in, its urgent"

    theres the is ophelia there? thing

    pretend they won free tickets to a movie or some kinda show or something

    good luck ^^

  4. ask for mr wall ..

    when they say there is no mr wall there.. ask are there any walls there

    when they reply NO ask them whats holding the roof

  5. sales calls

    theyv won something

    there going to be on a t.v show

    bla bla bla

  6. dont prank call.... thats stupid....  

  7. Call somewhere like pizza hut fairly late at night when the people there just want to go home. Say something like "Marsha!? It's Judy. Guess what!? Josh asked me OUT!!!" in the best ditsy valley girl voice you got. When they say that you have the wrong number or something of the like, wrong number, be offended that they "stole" Marsha's phone and what have they done with her.

    You can also call pretty much anywhere and pretend to be groveling to your boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other. ("I know we both said some things, but you were right, I am [list fault]. It hasn't been until now that I realized how much I needed you...") Anyway, just try some stuff and work off your responses.


  9. 1. Call Walmart and ask them for a DVD rewinder. They will tell you that there is no such thing as a DVD rewinder. Protest by saying that you saw [your cuzin, etc.] with one last week. You will eventually get to the manager. It's hella hilarious.

    2. Get out the phone book. Look for random numbers to call...when they answer ask them if they've been to McDonald's, etc. in the past week. If they say yes, you can yell, "IF YOU EAT THAT FOOD THEN YOUR FAT!!!" If they say no, then say, "THEY HAVE A DOLLAR MENU!!! GO THERE, THE FOOD IS DELIC!!!"

    3. Just try calling random cell phone numbers beginning with: 757-, 588-. 714-, or any others that you know. You can tell them anything...just something funny. [ex: "I GOTTA GO PODY!!!!!"]

    4. If a telemarketer calls, (if you have a cat) put your cat to the phone and make him/her meow like crazy. The people on the phone will be very confused. It also works with a dog. But only do that with the real person not a computer message.

  10. Use, put your phone on speaker phone beside your computer speakers so that you can hear their responses plus you can press the buttons to talk to them with the soundboard.

    Don't use some of the lame prank phone calls some people are telling you

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