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Ok so i am going to a sleep over and we need some harmless but good outdoor pranks and indoor that will prank three 17 yr olds(i think)!




  1. go through tall grass andyou should have some of the blades of grass painted pink so it will stay on their legs. Then tell them it's posion of something lol and tell them they have to put pee on it lol.

    dig a few little steep holes and cover with grass lol.

    Get shaving cream and at night put shaving cream on their hands, pillow and phone

    Cut somebody's pjs

    Find poo and smear it on their car door handles

    put food coloring on their shampoos lol

    A good prank on guys is  fall asleep get the deepest sleeper and get him into the other person's sleeping bag. I got some friends to help me lift him up into it. Once he is inside, you can take their clothes off and put their arms around each other. Then when they are wrapped up and one wakes up they will be confused and won't know what they did!

  2. Go to this site:

    Hope this gives you some ideas:) have fun!

  3. OK, go to wikipedia and look up 'peter answers' it will tell you how it works, then follow the instructions. Gets 'em every time!

  4. If any of them bring stuffed animals, you can string them up (the toys, I mean) by their necks!

  5. the shaving cream trick.....put shaving cream on the first person who falls asleep (on their hand) and then tickle their face!!! lol GO JOHN MCCAIN!!!

    God bless

  6. My friends and sometimes take some chairs and go in a big hollowed out bush, attach a pocket book to a fishing line and when people stop to try and pick it up, pull it away. One lady kept trying to open it trying see if there was an animal inside. We caught our gym teacher once too.

  7. Invite Chris Matthews over.

  8. clingfilm on the toilet seat. p**p won't go down! teehee or the toothpaste/shaving foam trick yeah

  9. ooo my favorite ketchup on toilet seat  


  11. I've alwalys been a fan of putting p**p in a flaming paper bag, on someone's porch, than when they come to stomp out the fire, they stick their foot in the poo

  12. Ok so as a mom I know pranks are fun but this is one my daughter did to her 18 year old brother she dipped his hand in warm water when he was sleeping and then he actually wet the bed.

  13. tell them about a crazy uncle who used to come by in the middle of the night, drunk off his **** and bug your family...until your mom had him arrested. (you'll have to find a way to bring this up casually) then that night, go to the bathroom, but really go out and scratch the bedroom windows.

  14. Try this, get a plate and s**t up the bottom with a candle or a bic lighter tell one of um you can hypnotize um and light a candle put it in the middle of all y'all take it serious and tell them to look you directly in the eyes and do not take their eyes off you then tell them to do what you do exactly and act as though you are rubbing the bottom of the sutted up plate and take all your fingers and make a cross on your face do this a couple times then say oh well guess it didn't work their face will be full of s**t. I came home from work one day and the electricity was out so I did this to my wife I thought the kids would die laughing.Also take some aluminum foil and make some small boats fill a brownie pan with water and tell 2 of um to have a contest to see who can blow the boat to the other persons side of the pan when they bend down to start blowing slap your hand in the middle of the pan.

  15. go on youtube and look them up.  

  16. Here go to this site. I used it at a recent sleepover and it gave me a lot of options! Pranks are SO fun!

  17. y dont u wait til evryone is sleep an then get sum shoe strings an tie one side on sumbod an tie the other side on sumthing that can fall on them an when ur ready have a cold bucket of ice an throw it on them an they will likely to jump up in shock an when they jump up the shoe string tied to them will make sumtin fall on there head. Pending on what u use lol

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