
PROANTHOCYANIDIN is a compound with multiple benefits worth calling it Vitamin P. Why is it not sequenced?

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PROANTHOCYANIDIN(PA) IS a flavoniod found in most colored plant parts. They are found in flowers, brown sweet potatos, black soybean, ground nuts, in leaves and fruits. When eaten they take away active radicals from our body which otherwise add up to carcinogenic effect inside body.

Sequencing involves studying the trait at genetic level. It helps to find the minute differences in the product that are otherwise unnoticable to the naked eyes. The sequence of a trait of one organism can be used to compare the traits in the other.

Sequencing is necessary, Proanthocyanidin is important to heath and antiaging. But i am unable to find the sequence for PA. If there are any scientists looking this post and working with PA sequencs, please help me out.

Plant scientists will understand it well.

LOOKING for your Help.




  1. Because this has never been documented. It is kind of in that Vitamin K group of Vitamins or flavonoid. Sounds more like some kind of herbal pill you would be able to get in the aisle at Walmart loaded with Rose Hips, Ginko, etc. If I were you I would contact Natures Own or one of those other herbal bottlers. Sounds like I would buy a bottle.

  2. I am a retired plant scientist and not up to snuff on the latest literature, but I would guess this work is being done.  Perhaps more in Europe than in the USA.  If you have a real interest in this work a thorough search of scientific research might be in order.

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