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I am currently having a problem with hitting balls that bounce very high on my forehand(like a lob), how should i hit back those shots? Should i wait till the bounce come down, or treat the shot like a half volley?

Any tips would be much appreciated




  1. Different Shots can be done. You can Do a half Volley, or wait and Slice it to their side. just make sure if your playing Singles or doubles dont get it out.

  2. If you can, a swinging volley where you hit the ball out of the air would be optimal. It gives the opponet very little time to react and gets you to the net to finish off the point. If you need the ball to bounce, take it early, on the rise. You'll need good timing for both these shots, so practice!

  3. Its pretty simple. I am also struggling with this problem and all you do is instead of backing from the high ball and waiting for it to come back down, you step into the ball and hit the ball as soon as it bounces back up. You know? Hitting the ball on the rise so you don't allow it to bounce really really high. If that isn't possible, then what I do is jump high and hit the ball in an upwards direction while the ball is high in the air with extreme topspin. Hope it helps?

  4. aim high, then reach over, swing and POOF, WINNER

  5. I would say it depends on how you like to hit your forehand.  If you have good timing and a more eastern-style grip, go for the half volley, where you take it on the rise.  If you can generate more spin, however, and have a more semi-western grip, step back and let the ball drop.  Good luck

  6. if your young enough take tennis lessons, get an instructor to improve your skills all around

  7. What i would do is take the ball of the rise. Before when i struggled with these balls i waited until they dropped a little more but i always got caught in the fence or whatever was behind me. Take it off the rise, and it gives your oppenent less time to react. Only problem is that taking it of the rise is hard, so practice it.

  8. Ahh, many players have this problem with both the forehand and backhand, as did I. I am a fairly tall player and in most circumstances I use a high jump to get my body in the most comfortable position possible. If it is too high for my jump I will generally wait until it reaches a smash height. There are numerous techniques for shots like these and some players even use a shot in between a forehand and serve to slice the ball across at a slant. Since most people have difficulty playing such shots,  this is where you want your own shots to preferrably bounce. So if you can get a shot like this off before the opponent you should do fine. Good luck and remember depth is a weapon!

  9. didnt i already answer this question???

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