
PROBLEM with the date -- help please?

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Having a Halloween party and Halloween falls on a Friday. My aunt says no one will come on a Friday but they will on a Saturday. I think the party should be on Halloween, not the day after (All Saints Day) or the month after (technically Nov.1st). The party is at my place, and my husband agrees with me about Halloween (Friday) being the better day. My aunt lives about an hour away so she will be there regardless but thinks a lot of people won't show. My answer to that is to just invite *more* people. The guests will range in age from young kids (trick or treating is totally hot in my neighborhood) to people in their 50s, with most probably in the mid 30s.

I really want to be able to put away all the Halloween decorations on Nov. 1st! Am I wrong?

Thanksssssssssssssssssssssss for anwering!




  1. Def have it on Halloween.  People party on Halloween no matter what day it is.  Friday night is a great night to do it.  If it were me I would not have it on Saturday.

  2. How odd, I don't see why people wouldn't turn up on a fri, but would on a sat. You've got to have it on the actual day, or else it will be pointless. Maybe inviting a few more people is a good idea if you think its a possibility that some won't show.  Hang on, Halloween isnt for ages......guess its good to be prepared! Have fun!

  3. Tell that old battle axe  to mind her business.  It's your party.  Invite HER on the 1st,  and then go out that day.

  4. Your aunt is probably thinking people will be tired on Friday as it's the end of a work-week, and Saturday is more relaxed.  However, parents do take the kiddies out on Halloween.  Personally I'd hold it on Saturday.  You not only will have the adults, but kiddies get another night of trick or treating!

  5. I don't see why the adults wouldn't come.  If some of your guests have kids you can mention that they can take them trick or treating, that's the only thing I can see stopping them from actually coming, otherwise, it's not like adults go trick or treating, so why wouldn't they attend?

    I honestly think it's a reason for adults to celebrate the holiday and have fun with it too!  I would go for it.  Give them enough time, like at least 3 weeks notice and even bring it up to them in conversation now like you are to us, and see what they say.  I've heard people do the week before to the day before to the day of.  It's your party and LOTS of people do it on the actual day I think it's more fun that way.

    If you're allowing the kids, I think much more people will show, especially since you said trick or treating is hot in your neighborhood, that's going to make them more apt to come if they have kids because they won't have to worry about taking them out and what to do.  

    i would go for it!  I hope you have a great party!

  6. um why are you having a halloween party in the middle of summer? anyway i dont think it will matter whether your partys on a friday because thats actually halloween. but people will probly come whether its friday saturday monday or thursday. good luck with your party, though!

  7. I would have thought there is not much difference between a Friday or Saturday evening. I agree with you that it is best to hold the party on the day in question is better than a day late, I would just go for it and try to enjoy it whether or not a lot of people turn up just party with the ones that do.

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