Hello, I have a problem I live in a 3 story apartment building, right next to the Pool/Volleyball/College party 24/7 I have got used to the partying i mean Im no scrooge Im 26 myself, and understand this is a part of youth, but my problem is thie people partying all day every day are using our building area as a toilet Ive seen roughly 30 girls "popping a squat" outside where small children play and near where everyone parks their cars, this has become a problem for everyone but my girlfriend and I have been the only ones to speak up I called the local police and spoke with an officer, and he agreed it's disgusting , but they have to be caught in the act and their just not willing to sacrafice an officer for this, anyways Ive resolved a more agressive approach, going as far as spreading nails and sharp objects in the area they p**s at because they often do this bearfoot, but the problem still exist, please Please Please, if anyone has any ideas on how to exterminate these pest from doing this give me some ideas and no smart *** coments please realistic options.