I have always been a PS player, along with Nintendo... I never bitched about any of the systems and its flaws before, but now with the PS3, it seems they are taking advantage of you for what seems to appear as "extra content" which should have been implemented in the first place. I am speaking of new PS3 games by the way. In PS2 games, they always made 10-15 maps already built in when you paid 50$ for the game, and now they put in about 6 maps on MGO, and about 10 on COD4.
I respect that they want to make money with the ps shop, but why does it seem that every game that comes out, they are trying to scam and squeeze you for all ya got with content that should have been put in from the beginning. If they do this, I wonder also why they make each game $60 each, then expect you to pay forward more just to grab the features that you should already have.
No answers like, welcome to life... Seriously, anyone feeling this? Will it change?