
PS4 or xbox 720 when,why?

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I just got a ps3 2 months ago and now they are talking about a ps4 in 2012 and xbox 720 in 2010,WTF?I'm so frustrated cause I will propably get the HD TV in 2009 then it's 3 years only?WTF?answer me cause this got me outraged PLZ




  1. That's how it is, and ones ps4 comes out they will be talking about ps5 and so on and on it goes......

    Sony comes out with new technology almost every 6 months.

  2. To the guy above, all consoles cost developers money (aside from nintendo) when they originally release the console, Sony WILL be releasing another console you can count on it. Don't worry though they have a 10 year plan for the PS3, which means even after they bring out the PS4 around 2013 they will support the PS3 until 2017.

    As to why you are outraged i'm not sure?

    "I'm so frustrated cause I will propably get the HD TV in 2009 then it's 3 years only?" I really don't get this part. I'm sure that the PS4/Xbox 720 (if they're called that) will support HD and the most up to date technology at that time just like the Xbox 360 and the PS3 both support HD and SD televisions. So you don;'t have to worry about wastinfg your money.  

  3. the ps3 is as good as it gets. i dread to think what they are going to make the ps4 out to be ? its stupid because you buy a ps3 and it costs enough as it is and then sooner or later they make a ps4 and there you go again buyin that and it just drags on every single year.

    i do say i'd rather be a sony then a xbox person lol, stick with the ps3 if you ask me and then go for the ps4 when it comes :)

  4. Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo have to come out with a major system every 4 years by law. They have to keep coming out with the newest technology to keep their brands on top.

    If they werent forced to make new systems, we would still be playing ps1's..

  5. Are all of you on acid?  Especially the second answerer/ How long have you people been actually playing video games? Or can you all not count or something? Game consoles come out in lifespans of 5 years. The PS1, N64, PS2, and XBOX all went by this pace. The current consoles are expected to have longer lifespans than the previous ones. So at the very earliest you could expect a PS4 in 2013-2014. Microsoft begun development on the XBOX 720 when the 360 was released, and have stated they intend to release it well before the next SONY console, and have it planned for a 2013 release. But this is assuming SONY ever makes another game console. Most developers and Journalists have estimated the PS3 will be the last console SONY releases, considering how much money they lost in its production. The PS3 almost bankrupted SONY 6 months after its release. This console generation has been estimated to last for 6-8 years, as stated by SONY and Microsoft themselves. Microsoft is looking into technologies and processers that will be available in 2013. This rumour is getting old. Get your facts from reliable sources, not internet chat boards.

  6. yea its true that the ps4 is coming on 2012 and the xbox 720 on 2011 .But what was your question?

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