
PSAT And SAT testing???

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is there some type of scholarship for getting the highest grade in your high school or something like that for the PSAT? I'm a junior in high school so I don't know if I'm still eligible for it? I bought 2 review books for the SAT. Can I use those to review for the PSAT too? The reviaw book brands are KAplan and princetion review? Are those good? Is there another review book that would help me better? I know about collegeboard but I heard its not good. Thanks in advance




  1. 1) Yes, you can use your SAT books for the PSAT. The content tested is the same (except the PSAT has no writing section), just the format of the test is different. The SAT has 10 multiple choice sections about 25 minutes each, while the PSAT is only split into only 3 multiple choice sections.

    2) There is a scholarship awarded for achieving a high score on the PSAT called the National Merit scholarship. This is $2500 and goes to the top 0.5% of scores in the state. Usually this score is about a 220 (same as a 2200 on the SAT), but varies from state to state. Ask your counselor if any scholarship is awarded for being 1st in your school, I haven't heard of anything like that before.

    3) Kaplan and Princeton Review are both very reliable. If you are looking for more of a challenge you may be interested in the Barron's SAT prep book. This book makes you practice questions that are much harder than the ones on the actual SAT/PSAT, so when you take it it should be super easy!

    Good luck on your PSAT and SATs!!!

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