
PSAT/SAT help?!?!?!?

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I'm an troubled 8th grader. I have a sister who's going to Collage next year and I'm going to High School. I heard you can get better scholarships, does it?

Can anyone tell me what does the PSAT does?

Does it help you on the SAT?

and do you have to take?

If not should I take it, if yes why?

Lastly how can you take it?

TY so much. I'm really just want to know that.




  1. The PSAT is a practice test for the SAT. Most people take it Junior year, but many take it in their Sophomore year. You should definitely take it, as it is possible to gain scholarships out of it. You should be able to just register for it through your school before Sophomore/Junior year. Hope this helps.

  2. in the PSAT, if you score high enough, around 2200, you can be eligible for scholarships from NMSQT

  3. isnt it those like practice sats....

    yes it good practice for the sats

    no because i havent taken it yet. well i heard u can take it as a sophore or a junior. im a sopphmore and havent taken it yet =D you shouldnt worry about the practice to much.

    contactng ur school u want to take it sophmore or junior year when u are in that grade lvl.

  4. PSAT is a practice for when you take the SAT's, so it's really helpful.

    It does help for the SAT's.

    It's optional, but it's recommended if you want to go to an excellent school.

    Like I said it's all optional, so you can pick if you want to or not.

    You can sign up in you Guidance counselor's office.

  5. the PSAT is a practice SAT and most schools offer it both your sophmore and junior years. The people i knew who took it their sophmore year had to pay for it and mainly look it to practice

    and for my junior year, all juniors took it (didnt have to pay). If you score really well on the PSAT it could qualify you for nation merit scholar which can get you TONS of scholarships.

    Also the PSAT is a pretty good prediction of what your real SAT which is a standard test to get into college!
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