
PSYCHICS>>>> test how psychic you are... Easy 10 points.?

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I lost a loved one in my lifetime. Tell me more about this person/situation/surroundings involved in this person moving to the other side? Tell me ages, names, circustances, feelings ect.. email me if I stand out and you can help me..




  1. psychic ability varies from each person..I myself get messages and visions ..insite about people I know..If I never felt your energy I cant tap into it

  2. if the first relationship means there will be better one to come.face the new hopes in life!

  3. you have more then one whom moved to the other side

    health was not good / you the one with the fellings there are contented on the other side /let GO

  4. female, thirty-seven, it was a accident? the name starts with a S? whatever, i'm tired.

  5. Wild guess #1

    Grandma 76 , Dorothy. Lung cancer.

  6. Humans are mortal.  We all die.  No one has ever provided any evidence to suggest we survive our death in a distinct spiritual form.  Because the idea of spirits can't be disproved it has remained in our cultural mythology while the other disprovable beliefs fell to the wayside.  This doesn't mean it's any more believable.

    It's comforting to think we survive death.  It may be that we do, but since no one has ever died and lived to tell about it, the idea of spirits surviving death is no more than wishful thinking.

  7. Oh come ON! I could do better than that and I'm not even remotely psychic.

    Better than getting an easy 10 points, go here:

    ...and get an easy $100,000...

    ... if you can prove that you have any sort of supernatural power.

    I'll warn you now though, you'll have to do better than the usual vague generalisations that cold reading offers. You will need to get specific data correct and you will need to be able to do it repeatedly.

    This open challenge has stood for decades now and although many have applied, no one has claimed it. It's the same story every time. They claim to be absolutely confident of their success beforehand but, after they have failed miserably, they always have some explanation of why their "powers" failed "this time". Well I have an explanation too. Mine is that they fail often but it's just that they can't fool themselves into thinking they don't when their hit/miss rate is actually recorded instead of being filtered through a fallible memory.

    If you believe that you are truly psychic I encourage you to apply for this prize, be sure to mention my name because if you win it, I also get a $20,000 spotters fee. You needn't worry about them not being fair either. They are perfectly happy for you to design your own test so long as it will enable them to accurately measure your success/fail rate and eliminate any possible way of cheating.

    The truth is that "psychic" phenomenon is nothing more than a collection of tricks that the mind plays on itself. Here are just a few:

    - Your memory is selective, you only remember the few lucky "hits" and forget the many "misses"

    - Your brain is always looking for patterns and meaning in data even if that data contains no meaning. This is just the way our brains are wired. For example, a "psychic" says that "green" is significant to you and you may class that as a hit for any number of reasons such as:

    - it's your favourite colour

    - it's the surname of your boy/girlfriend/mother's maiden name, etc.

    - you like to play golf

    - you are a professional pool/snooker player

    - you mow lawns for a living or work with plants/trees

    - you are passionate about the environment

    - that's the colour of your favourite sporting team

    - you have a green house/car/bedroom or any number of things.

    The information seems specific to you once you put it together but is actually very vague.

    - Related to the point above is the fact that your memory misremembers what is said. Take the previous example. Often people will leave a "psychic" consultation saying "She knew the exact colour of my car!" when all that they actually said was that green was significant. YOU filled in the rest yourself but that's not how you remember it.

    - Often people, either consciously or subconsciously, end up doing what a "psychic" has said. Using the "green" example again, you may be told that you will buy a green car and then one of the cars you consider is green so you buy it. Even though there is nothing supernatural happening here, many people would class this as a hit for the psychic. "OMG! She knew I was going to buy a green car!"

    People often discount these thought processes as impossible but research has shown that almost everyone's brain tricks them in these ways (the exceptions being those with eidetic memories and certain savants whose brains gather, store and recall memories differently than most people).

    If you don't believe me (and why should you? You don't know me) you should research it for yourself. Google Pareidolia and Apophenia and take a look at this video:


  8. You should know that it doesn't work this way. If someone if psychic, they can not possibly just read this and out pops the answer. They would have to see something or touch something that was theirs, or was familiar to them. Like stand in their room, or touch their hair brush.

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