
PZEV Cars - I understand that you can only buy then in CA, NY and 6 other NE States...?

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Which are those 6 other states? I have tried looking up information with no luck

any help would be appreciated. thanks!




  1. You can only buy car models that meet PZEV standards if you live in California, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, or Vermont — or in some sales regions near these states. These five "clean car states" have implemented California's more stringent motor vehicle pollution control rules. Other states will soon begin implementing these standards, including Connecticut, New Jersey, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Washington.

  2. Actually THAT is not true.  It is currently illegal to sell PZEV cars in states that have not adopted special emissions standards.  Here's the article that says so...

    I t's called "Dirty Secret: Green Cars Automakers Won't Sell You,"  and was written and posted on MSN early this week.  

    It says,

    "Not only can't you buy one, but the government says it's currently illegal for automakers to sell these green cars outside of the special states. Under terms of the Clean Air Act—in the kind of delicious irony only our government can pull off—anyone (dealer, consumer, automaker) involved in an out-of-bounds PZEV sale could be subject to civil fines of up to $27,500."

    So, the first poster who got his info from wikipedia is correct.

  3. PZEV is a technical term that applies to CA and those states you ask about.  It is slightly different from the ULEV and SULEV standards which are available in all states (I have a SULEV AND a ULEV, and I don't live in one of these states.)  If you are looking for a car with lower carbon dioxide emissions, then none of these standards will help you out: it may seem like a paradox, but a SULEV or PZEV equipped vehicle actually puts out MORE CO2 than a similar vehicle without the equipment, primarily by oxidizing carbon monoxide, carbon particulate, and unburned fuel post combustion, converting it to "clean" CO2.

    Ideally, you should look for the car with the highest efficiency for the type of driving you will do - chances are that it will already be rated as a ULEV or SULEV, and available without any of the artificial restrictions that you might encounter trying to get one (Those are state laws created by the PZEV-states in an attempt to keep a certain quota of those vehicles in their particular state.  There are no federal laws that prevent you from owning one - simply go to eBay and you can purchase one from a PZEV resident.)

  4. This is not true, you can buy PZEV cars in every state.

    This category is one of many which include Low Emissions Vehicle------- Ultra Low Emissions Vehicle----- Super Ultra Low Emissions Vehicle----- Partial Zero Emissions Vehicle--- Advanced Technology-Partial Zero Emissions Vehicle

    PZEV stands for Partial Zero Emissions Vehicle. It means that the emissions of the vehicle are so small that it emits virtually zero emissions.

    The Honda Civic Hybrid

    Toyota Prius

    Toyota Camry

    Honda Accord

    These are all PZEV vehicles some of which(hybrids) being AT_PZEV. NAme one state that doesn't sell these cars.

    I think what you mean is that there are certain states that have strict emissions standards that don't allow diesel. These states are


    New York






    Rhode Island

    To wrap it up There is no limitation to where PZEV vehicles can be sold in the USA


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