
PaRiS UnVeRsITiEs.... HeLp?

by Guest10801  |  earlier

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I am looking for a university for a bachelors of arts in literature any suggestions?

Oh yeah it has to be in Paris, France

thanx people




  1. well, i was student in paris so :

    there are many universities, but many are not in paris city, but metropolitan area ; many dont teach literature.

    you should choose :

    - paris 3

    - paris 4 (= la sorbonne), but in the historical sorbonne buildings for +4 and + 5 years students.

    - paris 7

    other universities have no literature or are not in paris.

  2. There are  thirteen Universities that are part of the University of Paris system. They are:

    I Pantheon-Sorbonne University

    II Pantheon-Assas University

    III University of the New Sorbonne

    IV Paris-Sorbonne University

    V René Descartes University

    VI Pierre and Marie Curie University

    VII Denis Diderot University

    VIII University of Vincennes in Saint-Denis

    IX Paris Dauphine University

    X University of Nanterre

    XI University of Paris-Sud

    XII University of Val-de-Marne

    XIII University of Paris-Nord

    In the Paris region, there are four other public universities that historically were not part of the University of Paris system.

    1.The University of Marne la Vallée (also part of Université Paris-Est).

    2. The University of Cergy-Pontoise (part of the PRES Cergy-Pontoise Val-d'Oise)

    3. The University of Versailles, Saint Quentin en Yvelines (also part of UniverSud Paris)

    4. The University of Evry - Val d'Essonne.

    There are also Uniiversites which are part of the system of "Grandes Ecoles" which are elite public univerisites. It is not likely you would be admitted to any of these.

    There is also the American University of Paris ( this might be a better choice unless you are truly fluent in French.

  3. La Sorbonne


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