
Pacifers for baby. Yes or no?

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Some people agree that giving a baby a pacifer is ok, and others says its not good cause they will not know how to soothe themselves. What's everyone's opinion about pacifers? For them or against them? And if you did give your child a pacifer when they were babys did it affect their ability to soothe themselves as they got older?




  1. My Daughter is 2 months and ever since she was born she only gets the pacifier when she goes down for a nap and for bed time other then that if she cries to be soothed i will either hold her play with her put her in the swing or just take her for a walk i think she thinks its just to go to sleep so once i give it to her she knows it bedtime so that works for me there always is an alternatve then a pacifier enjoy your family dont just try to make them stop crying and go on with what your doing play with her  

  2. o its not good, cause it be hard to take that away from them after wars and its not good for their teeth.

  3. I know both ends of the scale. My son loved it, had it until he was 2 and needed it to calm down. My daughter won't have one, she sucks on her fingers and can calm herself very easily. But when it is time to stop sucking her fingers, we wont be able to take them off her. I just don't know which is better.

  4. my daughter was on them they were my life saver really at night night time

  5. my daughter is on them now and she has no problem when she does not have it to sooth her self. when they are little they do not know how to self sooth...eventually I will give it to her only at bed or nap time, that is what my neighbor does...

  6. I am totally for them Babies learn how to self soothe either way, & eventually it becomes easier as they grow older As long as the pacifier 'cut off date' is reasonable it should be a transition that resembles switching from bottle to table food

    Ive never seen a 10 yr old walking around with a pacifier, so im assuming even if you do nothing, they grow out of it lol

  7. I originally didn't want to use them but our son was in the NICU and they gave him one and said to use it to reduce the SIDS chance. He used it for about 5 months and then one day he didn't want it anymore.  

  8. Have two kids and never used a pacifier - I actually don't like them, but that is my choice. I was told by my Aunty who is a Dental Assistant that if you have a chronic thumb sucker, it is better to try to get them to suck on a pacifier as the thumb has the potential to interfere with their teeth. I think it's great if you can restrict the use to bed time only, but I hate looking at 2 & 3 year old kids walking around the park/shops/playgroup with a dummy - sorry, pacifier. It's the Aussie coming out in me!!

    You also may face the problem of them waking at night, can't find it, scream for mum! Spit it out 10 minutes later, scream for mum.... No thank you!! I would rather my boys learn to settle themselves without having to rely on something. Hmmm, I really don't like them hey!! Oh well, you had to get one for the negative in there!!

  9. My son's pacifier was a would soothe him when nothing else would.  I say go for it.  It did not affect his ability to soothe himself at all when he got older.  I may get some thumbs down for this answer, but it's my honest opinion.

  10. My daughter only uses one to sleep & it works out really well =)

    & also while there is no concrete evidence to support this - it is believed that pacifiers while sleeping can help prevent SIDS

  11. I never heard of the soothing myth. I have only heard that people don't want their babies to use a pacifier b/c it could cause a speech impediment. My baby will use a pacifier only because I will not be there every time he cries being a student and working mom. If the pacifier works for him it will be easier for other people to watch him.

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