
Pacifier and breastfeeding?

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When we took breastfeeding class they said not to give baby a pacifier until 6 weeks. Or otherwise that it would interfere with breastfeeding.

When did you first introduce a pacifier to your baby and did it interfere with your breastfeeding?

By the way, our daughter is 1 week old and sometimes I feel like she just wants to suck and isn't necessarily hungry and will latch on my breast until she gets a little bit of milk and then she'll just suck there like on a pacifier...




  1. I also heard that... but the nurses at the hospital gave us a pacifier and said it would save my sanity, so I gave it to him his second day of life.  I ended up switching to Sassy Mam brand, which he likes the best.  He had a little trouble breastfeeding at first, but that was even before I gave him the pacifier... after one week, he was breastfeeding just fine, taking the pacifier just fine, and even taking a bottle to supplement (since I wasn't making enough milk at first) just fine.  But some babies are more adaptable than others, I guess.

  2. let her nurse. She is helping develop your supply.  

  3. My daughter had a pacifier before we left the hospital because she was doing the same thing. Buy several different styles if you can afford it, not every baby like the same kind. My daughter likes the Nuk ones, and they make them in different sizes so it's nice.

  4. My sister gave my nephew one the first night at the hospital! And she has had no problems breastfeeding him at all. Every baby is different but in this case it worked out just fine.

  5. My son used me as a human binky many times while nursing.  He would take a binky/pacifier sometimes but I don't like them things so I didn't force the issue.  They gave it to him at the hospital after I told them not to, but the pediatrician said it was because they wanted to test his suck since he was born 4 weeks early.  The pacifier didn't affect breastfeeding at all he still liked to latch on and preferred breast of pacifier.  

  6. they gave my son a soothie pacifier at the hospital and he was able to do both.

  7. i breastfed for 6.5 months and gave my little girl a pacifier 6 hours after she was born. i had no problems with breast feeding. a pacifier also helps with the prevention of sids. give that little baby a pacifier and go with your instincts.

  8. well My daughter did not want a pacifier, but she did want her thumb, she needed to suck and when so, she used her thumbs. I feel it helped alot with when she really was not hungry, just needed to be pacified. So I think that your baby does need to suck on something as your b*****s will get sore and she will get to attached to your breast to just suck not eat, so why not try, by the way my daughter still sucks on her thumb and she is almost 5 yrs old! But she only does it when she is tired, and is going to sleep. By the way babies are born to want to suck to be pacified so I'm surprised that the breastfeeding class said that, also not all babies are alike, my 2 boys never liked a pacifier nor a thumb.

  9. My 8 month old has absolutely refused any type of soother we tried.  He had very bad colic so there were times when we really were desperate to try some way to get it in there.  Now that he is older, he doesn't use me as his paci as much.  

  10. it's good for your milk supply for you baby to do that. they say not to because your baby may get nipple confusion and refuse the breast. some babies get nipple confusion and some don't. me, im not a fan of pacis and my son would never take one anyway, he knew it from teh real thing

  11. I introduced a pacifier to my son as soon as we got home. The hospital had given him one as well. It didn't interfere with his latching on one bit. Now he's 6 weeks and hates his pacifier. I guess there's nothing as good as mommy =]. If she's already latching on good, then I don't think it would be a big deal to give her a little bit of binky time. Good Luck!

    I also agree with the answerer above me. My son liked Nuk pacifiers the best...that is, when he would take a pacifier at all!

  12. We gave my son one at the hospital after we got an okay from his pedi..we've been nursing 11 months with no problems so far. I've been used as a human paci multiple times by my's just part of breast feeding.

  13. I was very adamant about saying I wouldn't give my son a pacifier when I was pregnant because I though it would cause nipple confusion. He was only a day old and still up at the hospital when I quickly changed my mind, lol.  And no, it did not cause nipple confusion.

  14. i gave both of my children a binky starting the day they were born and they breastfed(and breastfeed) perfectl fine. my daighter is 4 months and she doesnt nurse and fall asleep...she eats then goes in her crib with a binky to fall asleep......its good to follow some drs orders, but a mother always knows her child the best!!!! and if it seems to interfere then just take it away!

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