
Package Delivery??

by  |  earlier

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I placed a couple orders that shipped on saturday. I selected "one day shipping".... It is telling me when I track my packages that they will arrive on Wednesday.... How is that "one day shipping".... Is it because of New years?




  1. if you placed the order on a saturday, since packages are not delivered on Sundays or holidays, I am assuming it would arrive on Wed.  You can probably call the company and explain your situation.

    You may be S.O.L. though since they probably thought you would have known about the holidays and such.  It's worth a try calling someone though.

  2. Yes, holiday & Sunday would be problem.

  3. Well the prob picked the package up Sat they dont work Sunday traveled today and tomorrow is a holiday so should be there Wed

  4. your OWED A REFUND

    no...THEY DONT count holidays or sundays. YOU should of gotten in SAT.
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