
Packed Lunch?

by Guest67166  |  earlier

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My 5 year old daughter has taken some time to settle into school from January, she was at another Nuresery and is struggling to make friends even though she is comfortable with her own company, one of her main issues are going to the toilet alone, especially if it is dirty, and will not eat the packed lunch that I provide but will eat school fruits and snacks in the afternoon, she is a fussy eater and thought that if I put things in her lunch that she likes it would help, any suggestions would help.




  1. SNAP my little monkey will not eat her lunch, I have tried nice things, mundane things, just putting in one item and will she eat it no.  Have a word with the school/preschool and see if they can focus on her.  I wanted to bring mine home to day, as I know she will eat at home, but have been told that I am not allowed.  So will have to keep on trying, if you find away, please email me and let me know.

  2. What is the school giving her?  Does she eat peanut butter?  or has she had Nutella? Nutella is something everyone loves because it is like peanut butter but it is chocolate and hazelnut.

    Roll ups are good and kids usually like them:  cheese, meat with mayo and rolled up cut in to slices and fun to eat.

    Nuts are great for kids so are vegetable sticks with cream cheese dips.  

    Use cookie cutters to cut bread into fun shapes.  Will she eat dried fruits and trail mixes?

    Ask her whats she wants in her lunch and get her to help you pack it.  Then she will feel she has input on the foods she eats.

  3. Maybe you can ask staff/teacher what's in other children's lunch boxes. Children tend to eat if they are eating the same thing as their peers.

  4. instead of you packing her lunch let her help pack the lunches, maybe even give her choices at the grocery store, i found it worked for me.

    of my three children one only liked school food, one liked a combination and one only liked to pack her lunch.
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