
Packer coach Mike McCarthy said Favre isn't in the proper mindset to be a Packer but....

by Guest32490  |  earlier

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do you think Thompson and McCarthy are in the proper mindset to be in charge of the Packer organization but letting a proven Hall of Fame QB go , for an unproven guy that was just given the job




  1. Ted Thompson has handled the entire situation poorly, and should be fired for such.  This just goes to show the p**s poor management of the Packers.  Time to put the ego away Ted and allow Brett to play as a starter.  Ted is not thinking about what is best for the team, he is thinking about what is best for him and his huge overblown ego.  

  2. I guess I'm going to play devil's advocate here and side with the Packers. Favre played this little mind game with the Packers and with the NFL for the past two or three years. No one else told him to retire. He did it. Now he is selfishly putting his ego ahead of his team, he has been nothing but a distraction for the past month.

    It's a shame. I was actually a long-time admirer of Favre, but some of that has changed because of his (lack of) class in this situation.

  3. i think thompson and mccarthy made a commitment to a guy and intended the whole time to stick with it, but at the same time they've been trying to manipulate where favre can go so it doesn't come back to bite them in the ***...the packers really look pretty foolish, they are giving the man who has been their franchise for the past 10-15 years or so absolutely no respect, but that's the way the nfl is nowadays, the players have no power and the teams continue to remind their players of this fact

  4. T=He irony and stupidity of that statement is mind boggling, going into last year Farve was being advised by most to retire, the Packers had mediocre talent at best and were picked only above the Lions by the 'experts'. Farve decided to play, the Packers were one of the best teams in football because of him, McCarthy has a job because of him, that statement is like if Barry Switzer said Troy Aikmen did not have the mind set to be a Cowboy, Farve is the Packers you nit-wit!

    This is not a typical situation like the Emmit Smith or Bruce Smith retirements, where great players were way past their prime trying to hold on, this guy is still one of the best players in the  game, a single guy who can make the difference between winning and losing games by himself, his age is getting up there, but his on field performance is peak of his career like, he never had a better year than he had last year, and without him the Packers were 6-10 if they were lucky, the same as they will be this year if they let him go.

    As far as holding the Paackers 'hostage' BS, this guy has earned the right to decide if he is going to play or not when he wants to, the teams do not commit to a guy in Feb. they have to come to camp and earn a job, Farve has the right to decide when he feels comfortabe enough to make a decision, if the Packers do not like it, well let him go, plenty of teams, plus millions of fans want to see him play.

    The Packers offering him 25 million to s***w NFL fans out of seeing one of the all time greats performing at his peak is one of the most disgraceful things I have ever seen in sports. The way the Packer management has handled this brings to question weather they should even be put in charge of running a Class A baseball team, let alone one of the most storied franchises in sports history.


  5. All good things come to an end.  Favre retired from Green Bay on his own.  Life in the NFL goes on.  Green Bay came up with a new game plan after Favre left.  All the players are in place and not Favre want back in.  I DON'T THINK SO.

  6. I don't think it is possible to over analyze this situation any more.  This c**p is all over the radio, the news, it cannot be escaped.

    Who the h**l cares?  Its been beaten into the ground and you should be shot for bringing it back up.

  7. The guy retired!!!!  Now he just wants some publicity and is pulling a diva stunt.  Do what is good for the team, not just for some whiny QB that can't make a decision.  Life goes on, grow up Favre!!!

  8. Thompson and McCarthy are not only keeping one of the best QB of the NFL from playing with the Packers, but they are being reckless with the tight relationship that Packer fans have with the team.  A little flexibility could have accomodated everyone involved. However, both McCarthy and Thompson showed poor leadership when they began making public statements that could only lead to a dead-end.

    T and Mc are also hurting Green Bay and Wisconsin.  Cities all over the country pay thousands of dollars each year to get the kind of publicity that Green Bay and Wisconsin get for free because Brett Favre (retired or unretired) is so strongly linked with the Packers. At a minimum they could have avoided insulting the man who brought so many fans and toursits to Green Bay.

    McCarthy and Thompson may or may not lose their jobs over this decision. However, breaking with Brett Favre will haunt the Packer organization for years to come.  Surely books will be written about this fiasco.

  9. he11, no! they have no room to talk about being in the "proper mindset" - I'm disappointed in them. most real Packers fans want Brett to be welcomed back. I can't believe the way they're treating him.  Curly Lambeau and Vince Lombardi would be ashamed of how they're treating Brett.

  10. I hate to admit it but I'm starting to agree with Mug Rootbeer up there.


  11. I think McCarthy is a great coach. But its Thompson thats holding him back. I think McCarthy doesnt want to make any decision that Thompson woulnt like because he is affraid he will lose his job. To answer your question.... i dont think Thompson has the proper mindset to be running the Packers organization. If he did he would realize that Brett gives them the best chance to make it to the superbowl. He is looking way down the road, years from now. Now is important, not later.

  12. I don't care...I just pray he does not go to the Vikings!

  13. The whole point is Favre has done this the past 3 seasons. He keeps the Packers in limbo until the last minute which hurts as far as going after free agents or getting the roster prepared. Favre doesnt run the Packers,and he isnt the same Favre in years past. If I'm Green Bay I trade him to a non NFC North team and move on. Favre IMO plays for Favre and doesnt give a d**n about the team or its fans. If he did he wouldn't be acting like a spoiled child and demanding to get his way.  

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