
Packer fans, did you weep when you saw this?

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I always thought Brett would finish his great career in GB. Guess not




  1. I'm in New York so I'm ecstatic :).

    Actually, I didn't care where he went, Green Bay or elsewhere, just as long as I didn't have to hear the "Brett Favre Update" every 20 minutes.

  2. Hold on---- I am a Packer fan- born and raised in Milwaukee. Brett earned every right to ask for his release. both on and off the field, Brett has conducted himself in a professional manner. He is a worthy role model-- not like the other superstars in alot of sports. eg: Randy Moss, Terrell Owens, Ray Lewis, just to name a few. He has given the Pack 16 great seasons. Packer management wanted to move on because they thought he was retired-- fine. He didn't get a welcome mat laid out when he announced his return- now that was crappy, but somewhat understandable. He didn't ask for special treatment-- he just wants to play ball. Deanna probably seen how miserable he was without the game, and allowed him to come back. any real football fan should be ecstatic. He still a football god, and still capable of winning. Thats why he got pushed to the Jets-- he didnt want that, who would. Packer management are the ones who should be ashamed. They are the ones that defecated on a star-- a hero. The man just wants to play-- for a team that will appreciate him. Aaron Rodgers does suck-- and probably continue to suck. I believe if Brett pulls off a miracle in New York-- Packer management will be fired for making the 2nd worst trade in NFL HISTORY , atlanta trading Farve in 91 to the pack being the first. sure I'm sick of the media coverage too--  because of the twist they put on the whole ordeal. Put yourself in the mans shoes before you trash talk him. What was the reasoning behind his retirement? Family-- his wife's wishes?  He is still better than 80 percent  of the QB's out there. Not many sports figures have achieved what he has, and conducted himself in a professional fashion-- in any sport. I'm still a Packer fan-- but intend on routing for Brett's success in New York-- so that can be crammed right down McCarthy's and Thompson's throat. Go Brett!!!!      

  3. Well I laughed when I heard Vegas is only giving them 2 more wins. Went from 4-12 to 6-10. Yeah this is the AFC Brett. Good luck when you play the PATRIOTS twice. Better be glad he is playing the AFC West(probably the weakest AFC division outside the AFC East) and the NFC West(rather weak). Although now he also has that whole Madden Curse thing going for him. I'm not weeping, and I'm not a Packers fan. I'm glad the Diva went to team that isn't likely to get him anywhere. I hope the Packers go 14-2 and go to the Superbowl this year. Just to laugh at how it WASN'T him. Just to laugh at how HE blew it against the Giants with his OT INT. Favre either is, or is getting, washed up and it will likely show in NY. The fans will say oh it is the new team and the adjusting and every other excuse, but look back two years and you will see it is him.

  4. Packer fans will be laughing their **** off in week 2, when the Jets and Brett make their Home Debut.......against the PATRIOTS.

    Now that might ne all the jollies Packer fans get if Aaron Rodgers cant handle te pressure.

    They had 16 years of #4, and only 1 SB ring to show for it, it was time for them to move on and quit being held hostage every off-season.

    Bart Starr didnt get this much hopla when he left, and he won a  few more rings.

  5. I didnt cry but i was cryn so hard inside of me!! that # 4 with the name Favre on the back of a Jets jersey..............thats just wrong!!!

  6. I am not even a Packers fan but when I heard his press conference on ESPN i cried. for some reason it just did something to me.  

  7. yup, i thought he would always be a packer, but he decided to be a bonehead and mess with the orginization

  8. I cried like it was a retirement speech

  9. I think a lot of Packers fans are still weeping.

  10. Weep?   ooohhhhhhh yeah!  I still love ya Brett!   See your jersey in Lambeau someday.

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