
Packing For Camp????

by  |  earlier

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->gonna be going to a camp with dormatories

->need to know if I should pack money

->should I take my sheets and blankets

->and am I supposed to be feeling butterflies?




  1. Well if you are going to a camp with no shops within 100 miles, there is not much point taking money.

    However, having said that, money does come in very useful in a wide range of situations. So maybe just take a small amount.

    Say (depending on your age and other circumstance of course) $50 to $250, as pocket money, just-in-case-of-emergencies.

    Instead of sheets and blankets (which are a pain to carry), just take a warm sleeping bag and a pillow.

    Pillows are great for long boring coach or car journeys whilst travelling to your destination. Sleeping bags roll up to almost nothing, so are also very easy to travel with.

    Yes, butterflies is a standard normal feeling when entering a different, new or unknown situation.


  2. You can take either sleeping bag or sheets and blankets...If you don't mind having to make up your bed, sheets will be more comfy.  Sleeping bag will be quicker and travel easier.

    Always bring some money

    It sounds like it will be really fun.  Butterflies are great.  You will have a wonderful time and make lots of new friends.  Have a blast.
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