
Packing Heat?

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Excuse the stupid question title.

Could you please tell me, men and women, if any of you own a gun? (Registered to YOU please)

Just a survey I am interested in, I don't know any women with a gun here in Canada, of course it is difficult for anyone to obtain a gun in Canada and of course, hand guns are illegal.

I wondered if women, especially living in more urban cities, would own a gun in the U.S.

Thanks for your time.





  1. No I don't.

  2. no, women shouldnt be allowed to own guns because they get too emotional thats like giving a gun to a child and telling them its a toy

  3. I have a desert Eagle.

  4. Not a good idea for a woman to own a gun.  Chances are her attacker will get it before she fires it.

  5. The only gun I own is an antique Civil War rifle that does not fire. It was passed down to me from my grandparents. It's probably the only gun I will ever own.

    I live in the U.S.

  6. No I don't.  Here in the US, it's usually easier to get a gun in rural areas, so I'd imagine that they're more common in those places (that's a general rule, not always true though).

    I do plan on getting a gun when I move out on my own soon though.

  7. Nope. Don't own one. My boyfriend does, with whom I live.

  8. No, I don't have a gun. There's too great a risk for accidents. Did you know that statistics reveal that half of all handgun deaths in the US are suicides? How about practicing some common sense such as keeping your windows and doors locked and not stashing valuables in your master bedroom? That's the first place thieves look. How about not going into crime-ridden areas, especially at night? You don't need a gun if you do practice common sense.

  9. I have a valid carry-conceal.  Allbeit it usually stays in my car.  I witnessed and arm robbery by 6 guys when I lived in South Carolina.  It was off-base and I could do was watch.

    Terrible moment in my life cause I wanted to ****' em up but couldn't do anything.  Since then I haven't looked back about packing.

  10. I own a handgun - haven't shot it in 5 years.  I like to target practice; it's fun and I'm pretty good at it.  Just haven't had the time for quite a while to do it.

  11. Well firstly, a lot of women own guns. Mostly just not young women, because they tend to be Liberal, and Liberals for some reason are afraid of guns.

    Second, handguns are far from illegal -- it's just that you need what is called a Restricted Firearms License. This is just a license that is intermediate, and optional, and if passed allows the user to own and sell "restricted"-level firearms, including handguns.

    Always, ALWAYS own a gun. In every nation that bans firearms, not only does violent crime skyrocket immediately after, but violent crimes involving firearms do as well!

  12. At the moment, I don't.  I currently live in a very safe area.  When I move, I'd like to get one.

  13. I own a 9mm glock and have a concealed weapons license.

  14. Yes, a Beretta 92f compact.

  15. Yes, I have a bit of a collection

    Long guns:

    Ruger mini .30

    Ruger mini 14

    Winchester 30/30

    BC Moroco .12 ga

    Remington .12 ga

    Browning automatic rifle aka BAR

    Hand guns:

    Colt Gold Cup .45 auto

    Colt detective .38 revolver

    Ruger Blackhawk .357 mag

    Ruger Blackhawk .44 mag

    Plus lots of pre-ban accessories tools and special parts, thousands of rounds and many magazines.

    Learned to shoot when I was 4, I've never been big on hunting, but that's not to say an occasional squirrel isn't the victim of a shooting accident, but I enjoy sport and target shooting.

    And If the Canadians ever try to invade the U.S. I'll be ready for them.

  16. Not now. I did own a rifle about 20 years ago when I lived in a rural area.

    But when I moved to the city, I had no more need for it and sold it.

    I've never wanted another one, and as the guns laws here in Australia are now stricter I probably wouldn't bother applying for one.

    I do know several women who WOULD apply for a gun licence if the laws were relaxed, but mainly because they are country girls.

    Cheers :-)

  17. I own a Taurus snub nosed 38 revolver. Not the most accurate but what it lacks in accuracy it makes up for in stopping power.
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