
Packing for out of state swim meet?

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Tomorrow I am going to my first out of state swim meet. It's going to be from Friday-Sunday. I have no clue what to pack. There is also a little social thing saturday night for swimmers- I'm not sure what I should wear to that..also, I'd like little games or things I can do on the bus and at the meet. Just letting you know that the meet is outdoors..:D Thanks!!




  1. make sure to bring two of everything swimming related (suit, goggles, esp caps if possible)  back ups are are a blessing if you have them and really bad if you don't!  the swimming get together should be a casual dress or jeans and a top, i wouldn't sweat it too much b/c everyone will be tired from swimming that day.  for stuff to do, bring your ipod or mp3 player (and charger!!!), cell to text people, and other stuff you like to do, but also make sure to bring a pillow and blanket so that you can rest up for the meet.  talking to people and sharing snacks is also a blast if you like them.  Hope this hepls you, and good luck at the meet!

  2. cell phone ipod gameboys books magazines anything you like to do other then tv and computer. and you can dress causual for you soical thing..maybe a sun dress. and just bring clothes you like to be in.

  3. Pack clothes, any accessories you might want to bring, and your swimming gear.

  4. sweats, 2 towels, music, flipflops, suit, goggles, cap, deckwear, boxers, longjohn's, 2 t-shirts, and a little sundress for the social thing, pj's, t-brush, t-paste, sunscreen, deck cards, hairtie, shorts pullons, shampoo, hairbrush, cooler with orange slices, and waterbottle, money  thats about all I used to bring

  5. I went on a similar trip last year, for a state development camp. We were given a list for stuff to pack:

    - warm up swimsuit (bring 2)

    - racing suit

    - food (lollies, energy bars and other snacks. if real food is provided dont bring the main meals, but if not, bring them)

    - goggles (2 racing, 1 warmup)

    - entertainment

    - plenty of towels

    - powerade powder

    - books or dvds

    - stuff to do with friends

    as it is outdoor, bring adequate protection from the elements

    as for what to wear, just dress as you would if you would party. for the dance after the australian age c'ships i just wore casual clothes.

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