
Packing my bags, f*cking off to see the world...where to start?

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HI. I am thinking about packing my bags and travelling the world. I am currently renting my house and have NO ties!

I have approx £5,000 saved. I want to travel the world (or part of it)

Any ideas where t go first? only ever been to greece and malta.

P.s im from the Uk....




  1. I've been to both Greece and Malta and if you are into antiquities you will like them both.  Malta is STRANGE and possibly home to one of the oldest civilizations on the earth.

  2. Go to the Airport first.

  3. Oh wow you are lucky!  I want to do this someday.  I would go to Europe first and see London, Paris, Italy, Germany etc.......but you are from the UK so i don't know.  I would definitely see Australia! It looks so beautiful there.  I have a friend that loved Tokyo.  If you've never been to America, come here because there are lots of places to visit!!!

  4. No need to swear..

    Come to Canada and explore the great Canadian North!

  5. Stop off in Japan (amazing place) on the way to Australia.  After back-packing around Oz go to New Zealand and do the same.  Then head to Fiji and do a sailing adventure trip around various islands.  If you haven't run out of money (and don't want to come back and live in Australia permanently) head to the USA and check out Las Vegas, San Francisco, Washington DC and New York.

    Other amazing countries I could recommend that you may not have considered - Bhutan, Jordan (especially Petra) and Egypt (difficult but amazing stuff to see).

    Have a great time - do your research and try to interact with the locals everywhere you go for a more enjoyable experience.  Good luck!!

  6. Maybe do the whole backpacking around Europe thing ... check out Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Sweden, etc

    I'm from Australia - so would also recommend coming out here too! Plus its close to Asia (Thailand, Bali) and New Zeland so much cheaper to fly there then from the UK

  7. Australia is gorgeous, and there is so much to see and do there.  I went a long time ago and it was awesome.  I've wanted to go back ever since.  I also want to go to Italy and Fiji one day.

  8. Madagascar would be fun. I saw it on "Globe Trekker".

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