
Packing tips???

by Guest65914  |  earlier

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i'm about to go on a two week trip and i can't take a large suitcase. does anyone have any tips on how to fit the most into a small space? any advice would be great!

thanks :)




  1. roll everything put panties in pockets dont take a bunch of shoes and try to take items of clothing that can be worn more then once instead of taking  a bunch of stuff try to make enough outfits out of 10 or less

  2. no no no... I'm am a pro at traveling. first determine your outfits. Put main stables together such as jeans, tops, etc. Put outfits together that go with others, example... that shirt can go with jeans, a skirt or shorts u pack. Think about the climate your going to be in, how many pairs of shoes will u need? only pack what goes with your outfit and try to limit. Also keep in mine purchases when you travel... u can always buy something there, keep that in mind for needing room on the way back as well. also with the new bag issues with traveling and charging for bags... bring a good sized but legal carry on. Put one outfit in there along with undergarments, a brush, and other legal carry ons. this will free up some room on your main suitcase. Also remember liquids need to be on your checked bag, put them in plastic baggies. Also if you've ever heard of Space saver bags... u like vacumm seal your clothes.. its easy and saves alot of space... only put clothes in them that u can iron, because sometimes they get really wrinkley... most hotels have irons u can use. as well as washers and dryers... I went to mexico for 3 weeks...washes clothes once a week... made sure my outfits were interchangeable... never wore the same thing in a row... good luck!!
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