
Pacman v Money

by  |  11 years ago

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Will the Manny Pacquiao/Floyd Mayweather fight ever happen?




  1. Brian
    That should read *to* not too

  2. Brian
    Vincet is right

    Boxing needs this fight and boxing will get it.

    Two of the p4p all time greats, both pretty much at their peak, one uber-publicity hungry/the other a super-popular global phenomenon - yeah of course it will happen. Too much money on the line for it not too.

    And don't be fooled by the spurious blood-test controversy - it's merely a hook in the pre-fight story line
  3. edwardornopia
    yea its gona happen especially when they both win their nx fight.the demand for it will b too much to ignore later this year if they both win nx fight.
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