
Pacquiao by split decision, do you think there's a mafia behind the scorecard?

by Guest62978  |  earlier

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  1. Pacquiao won and that's it. We all have our expectations and pet for bet...but that's why there are judges in competitions or in any sports fights. Whether we like their decision or not, theirs is what prevails not our opinion or not our choices/expectations.

    They are both good fighters but Manny won. His victory is legitimate.

  2. Pacquiao Won! Marquez is a h**l of a fighter! PERIOD! lets put the past behind and look into the

  3. I scored it 114-113 for Pacquiao, though it was a great fight between two of boxing's biggest little guys.  Marquez fought through one of the worst cuts I've seem in years, that cut would have stopped a lesser fighter.  Pacquiao improved considerably and boxed much better in this fight than he did in the draw.

    I agree with the decision, in my opinion it was accurate.

  4. Yes. If the canvas was the mafia. The canvas pulled Marquez face against it.

  5. No. If we would've seen a Marquez like he fought from Rd 2-11 on their 1st fight, I'd swing it over to Marquez. But we didn't see as good of a technician as he was back in May 2004.

    Pacquiao didn't get a TKO, but didn't do bad either...he didn't get sloppy as he did on their first bout. And he didn't get hit as much as their first least hard hits.

    He also left a lot of shots for Marquez to take...which Marquez didn't take advantage of. Behind Pacquiao's strength, which is his flurries with big lefts, is his biggest weakness. Leaving himself open with his arms down.

    I think a draw would've been more feasable...but to say Marquez won...i don' think so.

  6. I wouldn't say mafia, but HBO has to sell tickets and PPV and at the end of the day we would much rather see the reckless hard hitting Pac-man than the tactical Marquez. That being said, I believe Marquez won the fight, I scored it 114-113 (as did Larry Merchant,, and

    Let's face it, knockout artist will always be more marketable than classic boxers. I'm not taking anything away from Manny either, he is a great fighter with tremendous punch power and charming personality, but I don't think he was the better man tonight (or 4 years ago for that matter)

    Too bad Manny said no to a re-match ("No I'm done with this business") hmmm? I wonder why???

  7. yeah lets say that there are judges..pero in this game inposibleng walang mafia ang nakialam dito..lalu na hindi naman piso piso lang ang nkataya dito.. millions of dollars ang nkataya...mafia parin ang ngmanipula ng laro....formality sake lang ang mga judges eh.. kaya nga may lutong macao diba.

    kitang kita naman na lyamado c marquez sa laro kung i aanalyze lang ntin ito ng mabuti..

  8. A draw would have been nice, because it would have opened a third match

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