
Pagans, what are you dressing up as on Halloween? ?

by Guest56735  |  earlier

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  1. I was going to dress up as a witch. But that's cheating. ;)

    I honestly don't know yet. <sigh> Need to get my act in gear.

  2. Depends on if I have the time and money to make the costume. I would dress up even if it weren't Halloween, despite the strange looks I would get.  It hasn't stopped me yet! That is my favorite time of year aside from Yule!  

  3. I gone be a FIRE ENGINE!  Wheee!

  4. awww, i wanna answer too!

    i will, even though i'm an atheist, not a pagan.

    i'm either going to be dr. girlfriend or the girl from the miller high life bottle.

  5. gypsy dancer... I also give tarot card readings to my friends.  I love this time of year.  

    my daughter in laws are going to dress up as Marylynne Monroe and Mae west.   We are gonna have so much fun this year!

  6. the pope.

  7. Hmmm... it's strange that I haven't thought about it, especially since Halloween is my Favorite Holiday.

    Maybe I'll get some black clothes, put a piece of white cardboard in my collar and grab a bible... I'll be a priest ^_^

  8. I don't know. Last year I was a teletubby. No kidding.

  9. One of those FLDS babes.  I'm going to velcro a few babies to my skirt.  It'll be awesome.

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