
Pagans, who gives the believer more supernatural powers, Paul or some of your gods?

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I don't know where the writings of your gods are, so I have to ask you. Who gives us more power, Paul or your gods?




  1. So, now homophobia and sexism are superpowers huh?  You can have a big brown starfish on your chest if you believe.

  2. Some trolls I wish I could turn into toads.

  3. The gods.  Paul was only a man.

  4. i don't know any Pagan who claims to have super powers.  Pagans, as a rule, don't claim powers we don't have.  we don't claim that we know if a person will go to heaven or h**l.  we don't claim our path is the only path to God.  we don't claim that a book written nearly 2000 years ago is relevant for today.

    if you, as a Christian, want to claim you have super powers, go ahead.  feel free to believe whatever makes you happy.

  5. Cupcake you really need to talk to someone. This is bordering obession and that just ain't healthy.

  6. Pssst.... Paul's not a god.

    Edit: You just said it yourself. Powers from his god, not from him.

  7. answer: I thought Paul was a sinful man who saw the light (literally).  How does HE give anyone powers?  I know you worship the guy but doesn't that cross the line into idolatry? Are you thinking he was the true messiah?

    answer: the same as your deity, the strength to face challenges. Paul gives nothing to no one, he's dead.

  8. Paul Newman?

  9. Pfft what power did Paul have?

    Like to see him smite someone

  10. neither

  11. I don't have any supernatural powers, nor do any of the Pagans I associate with (they don't claim any either). So the answer to your question would be neither.

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