
Pagans only please: two subjects you shouldnt talk about... religion and politics, a question bout both?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a pagan and proud. I'm also more liberal then anything else, but i'm not over the top. I wanted to know, since the pagans in my area and the internet seem to favor Obama and I dont, does this make me a bad pagan? I'm just thinking for my self and have my own reasons I perfer others over Obama, but does this make me a bad pagan when all the other's seem to love him??

thanks! please dont comment on my religion if your going to just say i should be a christian.thanks again.




  1. I'm not voting for Obama, I'm voting against McCain.

  2. I personally am for Obama but that doesn't mean you should be!

    Everyones allowed to believe whatever the h**l they want.

    PS at the first responder- Obama isn't Muslim, he's Christian, but belongs to a liberal Christian church.  

  3. There is no political view associated with paganism.  Pagans have enough trouble defining our religion, we don't need to add politics to it! :)  You're doing exactly what you need to do - examine the issues and make your own judgments.  

  4. Wiccan here. I don't care for him either. He is too young and has made too many mistakes both verbally and in actions.  To put it simply, I do NOT trust the man, and I wouldn't vote for him if my life depended on it. I vote the person, not the party nor the religion.  If the person is qualified (not necessarily from background because many politicians are not), I would consider him or her.  Following your instincts makes you a better person, Pagan or Wicca has nothing to do with it. Follow what YOU know is right.

  5. obama is muslim and not pagan


    Hindiusm is pagan

  6. not at all!  you have your reasons for casting your vote the way you feel is right.  as a pagan, i don't care who you vote for, i just care that you vote.

    i am voting for Obama.  that is the way i believe i need to cast my vote.

  7. I am a pagan and also a resident of Illinois. I know Senator Obamas' policies and have followed his voting record. (I do that for all our states' elected officials). He certainly has his share of shortcomings and I can understand your apprehension. He has yet to make good on even one campaign promise and now it seems he never will.Vote for whoever you think would do the best job and forget what other pagans (or anyone else for that matter) have to say.

  8. Us pagans tend to be very open minded,free thinkers so I believe most of us have a tendency to sway to Obama more due to his very liberal view on things, but I don't think you have to vote for anyone in particular just to be pagan.

  9. I fail to understand what politics can have to do with pagans.

    All politicians are clearly into the major gods, greed, power, and money. To achieve these ends, pagan respect for the goddess that is our planet, is the very last thing on their minds.  

  10. Sweetie please, I'm a proud pagan and I think Obama's f*cking nuts!  On the other hand, I don't like McCain either.  I wanted to vote for Ron Paul but sadly I won't get my wish.  

    If paganism teaches you anything, it should be that you don't have to follow the crowd.  Believe in what you believe in!

    Feel free to IM me if you ever want to talk about it.  Religion and politics are the two things you are never supposed to talk about and yet they are my two favorite topics of discussion!

  11. Well, as a Pagan I have a deep respect for nature and

    the Earth, and wish to protect the lives of all creatures

    who dwell here.

    McCain is pro-nuclear power and wants to build a lot

    of new reactors. Those things are very dangerous...

    remember Chernobyl... when it blew up it sprinkled

    radiation all over Europe and they estimate a total of

    a million people will die from it. I don''t want any more

    reactors built, so that's strike one for McCain.

    New comes war. McCain is a war-head, and we all

    know that a lot of innocent women and children die

    when the bombs start dropping. That's strike two

    for McCain.

    On the economy, McCain's views seem to be the

    same as Bush's... help the rich get richer and forget

    about the middle class... I've had enough of that.

    Sure, politricians are all liars and we really can't

    believe their campaign promises... I've yet to see

    very many of them be kept... but it does look like

    Obama would be more likely to avoid the worst

    transgressions that my personal and spiritual

    beliefs are concerned with.

    Best wishes,


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