The Issue Start Yesterday...
With a frequent of above issue "Page Fault blah blah blah"
So I decided to reinstall XP.
What the big thing is when installing, there have numerous of "file copy error" in setup...lucky I have 2 CD, swap another disk...repeat till end...same thing again... Is it something spoil? or time for a new pc...
My workstation...
AMD Athlon 64 3000+ (200MHz*9)(2006)
RAM: Crosair ValueRAM DDR 400 512MB *2 (Single Channel)(2006)
HDD: Maxtor 40GB ATA (2005, System), Seagate 160GB SATA(2008, Data Drive)
MB: MSI K8N4F(2006)
GPU: MSI ATI X300MH(2006)
Power: 450W(2006)
Optical: MSI 16x DVD Rom(Given by friend), Sony DRU830A(2008)