
Pages 513-14 of The Host by Stephenie Meyer?

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So as I was traveling to myrtle beach a tragedy happened..a suitcase rolled onto my book and page 513-14 got vertically ripped in half :( unfortunately I hadn't read the entire book yet and am just now getting to the page and it isn't one I can just skip over! (Not that I expected it would be) So I was wondering if there was a site that might have the whole book so I could look up the page and read it, or if someone had another solution for me besides going to the store to read it because I work midnights and am not really up during the day to go out anywhere and get it. PLEASE HELP!





  1. Sorry but you may not download even a page of a book under copyright. It is illegal. Find a friend or get a library copy of the page you lost and make a copy.

  2. I am guessing that you didn't save the other half of the page then?  You probably should have done that.  If you did, you can piece together what is on the page even if some of the words are ruined.

  3. Check out a copy at the library?

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