
Paid for my car to get fix!! Still has a problem....

by  |  earlier

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I have a 1998 Toyota 4 Runner (104k miles)

A little over a week ago I noticed my car shook a little and it felt weird, so I made an appointment to have it taken care of. Before going to the shop (the same day) the "Check Engine" light went on.

So, I took it to the shop. They used something and plugged it in the car and it said Misfire -- Coil.

So, I paid around $600 for them to replace coil, fuel filter, spark plugs, and wires.

This was about a week ago. I left it at the shop all day long, but after getting it fixed I noticed it was still not riding right. It was a tad shakey on and off.

Today (less than a week after it was repaired), the Check Engine light is on again.

I am livid. Obviously what they did didn't fix the problem. I will of course bring it back tomorrow and what work they did is under warranty, but what if they tell me I need something else and want more money?? How do I work around this?

Also, how do I get a second opinion? I've gone to a couple other shops and they want between $60-$89 to check what the problem is. I don't want to be out MORE money. I would love to get a second opinion, but I can't afford it right now.

Do I have any right that if they want to fix something else that I refuse to pay right away and say I want to drive it for a few weeks to make SURE everything is OK???

When I picked up the car, I was told it was in perfect condition because I asked how the engine was and they told me they checked everything and it was fine.





  1. It's one of the great difficulties of modern life--finding trustworthy auto repair shops, dentists, doctors, etc. etc.  I'd take it back and see what the shop says.  Be suspicious if the never say "I don't know".  You always have the right to say you'll drive it for awhile.  And be suspicious if they say something along the lines of "Well, look, the frammus and the jammus are really likely to go out if you drive it this way."  in a tone that is threatening.  BTW, the check engine light on my 94 Isuzu is on about half the time and it still runs.

  2. I would suggest to take it back and explain what you have said here. Ask them to check it out without charging you and see what they say.If I was the shop I would check it out and not charge, and I think most shops would.

    Just make sure they show you the part and explain to you what is wrong. Car repair is not an exact science as sometimes things get overlooked. But with that being said, they should check it for free.

    If they find a problem, have them explain why it didn't show up the first time. Give them a chance to make it right but be careful.

    Good luck with your car.

  3. There is more than 1 coil pack on your engine so it is possible that you lost a different one, that aside 600 bucks for a coil pack and plugs,wires is top dollar and then some.

    You are stuck unless you can prove that they either did not change the parts or that the ones they changed are the ones that failed.

    I bought a hand held code reader for $75.00 a long time ago because I got tired of this happening. A coil pack is pretty cheap & easy to change and you could buy the tool and replace every one for less than what you just paid to replace one of them. Sorry about the news, Good Luck!

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