
Pain 2 weeks after root canal Retreatment...Help!!?

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Please help me! I had a root canal retreatment about 2 weeks ago and the endo put a temporary filling on it. After about a week of being painfree, I went to my dentist to have the temporary replaced with a permanent. Its been 5 days and I have pain again. My tooth hurts really bad if I tap it, my cheek is very slightly swollen, and the gumline has a large lump that is excrusiating if you press on it. Is the infection back? Even though I took a ton of antibiotics and was given an antibiotic IV?




  1. Get back now, there might be another canal that was missed initially, or a couple of other things that need to be are tough....

    good luck

  2. you filling is over

    so just visit your dentist and tell him that you have a pain  

    Small cut and you are free

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