
Pain In My Chest When I Drink Something?

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whenever i have something to drink,anything!even water, i start to feel a pain on the right side of my chest.

it proceeded for a week so i seen my doc.he gave me some pills to treat ulcers.i don't think it is an ulcer.

what else can this be?

i am a 16 year old HEALTH FREAK!




  1. Hi. It may be an acid reflux problem which is causing the pain. The only way to know if it is an ulcer is through an endoscope test.

  2. odd as this may sound , you may have a rib out and when the extra pressure in your esophagus presses the pain accures. hope that helps . BTW for ulcers if you can eat cayeene pepper or take cayeene capsules it will get rid of those in a hurry . The cayeene will clean the bacteria out of the wound and allow it to heal faster , good luck  

  3. if you're chugging it down fast its because the water is rushing through fast. it could depend on what it is that you're drinking.

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