
Pain In back of head while masterbating?

by Guest63081  |  earlier

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Hello, I am a 14 year old kid i m********e once everyday.

I have been having these strange pains in the back of my head in the middle of masturbating it has recently started happening.

I am really really trying to avoid going to the doctor's over this but i wish to know what is wrong with me. Now when i was masturbating when this first happened i was sitting in my bed my head was against the wall i thought it had something to do with that but it did not i tried masturbating standing up and the same pain came to the back of my head i am a little scared about this your answers are very appreciated.

Please please please please help me ='(




  1. check BP and CT scan to rule out angioma ,

  2. it seems that u have a low blood flow problem, since while masturbating all ur blood is concentrated on ur organ, ur head gets less supply of blood - may be ur anemic, its best to try to eat healthy and increse ur blood rate and try to avoid masturbating for a while,...

  3. I guess you might have earlier stretched your head backwards during o****m. Avoid doing that and m********e but be in control. I feel its just because of the way you are doing(tilting your head backwards to lessen oxygen supply to your brain.)

  4. i am a 13 year old girl and i have IMATURE friends who think its funny to m********e but im not saying you are.

    im just telling you, maybe you should STOP masterbating because you would probly have to tell ur mom or dad about this and then they would obviously ask questions..kinda embarasing.

    but im going to be a doctor when im older so im just saying lol i understand you

    there are side effects that can lead to your head pains: of course, if you do excessive masturbation, brutalizing your genitals or use additional S/M stimulators or devices, you could easily harm your genitals which could lead to injury.

    (you are ruining your heath)

    hope this helps!

  5. some people get severe headaches with an  orgasim.  Some get one afterward called "post coital" headaches.

  6. Have you heard of love line on Kroq? I heard this question asked before on there. Its a free...or atleast I think its free to call, radio station that starts at 10pm at Kroq. I think the numbers 1-800-LOVE-191

  7. You can STOP it for a week.

    A few people get headache when the s***n is released

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