
Pain after filling a week ago. Bad dental work suspected.?

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I had my filling done last Monday with a new dentist. This is all that went wrong:

1. The dentist didn't warn me that he was going to stick me with a needle for the novicane and I jerked and hit his hand with the needle still in my mouth.

2. After he was done with the filling, he didn't use the carbon paper to check the bite. He just said we were all done and left. I told the assistant that the bite needed to be adjusted. He came back, checked my bite with the carbon paper one time, filed the filling a little and again said he was done. I went home knowing my bite was still off.

3. Called the next day and had the hygenist fix my bite since i wasn't comfortable with the dentist. Felt a lot better

Now one week later, I still can't chew on my right side. I have constant pain and take advil for it and I have some sensitivity to cold. Should I wait a few more days to see if it improves, do I call my old dentist(who isnt' sure he wants to get involved), or do I try a new dentist? Help!




  1. Ouch, sorry!  Sounds like you might have an infection in your tooth (I had this once and it hurt like h**l).  Go back to your dentist and have it checked out.  There's nothing worse than tooth pain!

  2. I might be anything. Your dentist sounds a little inexpirienced if you don't feel comfortable with your current find a new one. And get your tooth checked out. I too have had a bad dentist he was abusive so I left him. He got in trouble and lost his job later.

  3. If your old dentist doesn't want to get involved, then it might not be a good idea to get him involved. He is probably afraid the dentist made a mistake and that he could wind up pulled into a possible law suit. No doctor likes that.

    I would call the dentist that did the work and tell him what is up. You should be getting this work fixed for free, and you will only do that going back to his office, and if he flubbed, you might could even get out of paying the original bill if you go back to him. Of course, it could just be an infection.

    But if you are really uncomfortable with the idea of seeing him again and would rather just pay someone else to get it done right then go to your old dentist or find a different one. The other dentist might have overlooked something, and it might have needed more done to it than he originally suspected. I would be worried that you may have needed a root canal instead of just a filling, or that what he did might have made it necessary now. Your mouth is important, so whatever you feel the most comfortable with, that is what you should do.

    Good luck.

  4. Did you get a white filling? White fillings can cause sensitivity in teeth from 7 days up to a month...Gargle with luke warm salt water, and use ACT mouth wash (helps with teeth sensitivity) if the pain worsens, or intenisfies to the point of extreme discomfort it could be the bite, or you could need a root canal...

    I agree that he should of checked your bite with the carbon copy paper, and perhaps you should seek another dentist since this one doesn't sound very nice...

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