I had my filling done last Monday with a new dentist. This is all that went wrong:
1. The dentist didn't warn me that he was going to stick me with a needle for the novicane and I jerked and hit his hand with the needle still in my mouth.
2. After he was done with the filling, he didn't use the carbon paper to check the bite. He just said we were all done and left. I told the assistant that the bite needed to be adjusted. He came back, checked my bite with the carbon paper one time, filed the filling a little and again said he was done. I went home knowing my bite was still off.
3. Called the next day and had the hygenist fix my bite since i wasn't comfortable with the dentist. Felt a lot better
Now one week later, I still can't chew on my right side. I have constant pain and take advil for it and I have some sensitivity to cold. Should I wait a few more days to see if it improves, do I call my old dentist(who isnt' sure he wants to get involved), or do I try a new dentist? Help!