
Pain and burning after catheter removal?

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Been dignosed w/ stress urinary incontinece - basically b/c all 3 of my children were 8+ lbs after normal deliveries. Went today to see what can be done about it and at one point the urologist needed to catheterize me for a few minutes. He said I mighht experience some slight burning b/c of the catheter later on. I was prepared for that but this pain is horrible. I actually have urinated less since my appt b/c I think of the fear of the pain but once I do urinate the burning and pain is extreme - it has actually brought me to tears. I've been taking Motrin and will give it till tomorrow to see how I feel b4 I call the dr. Has this ever happened to anyone else?




  1. for it to burn for a while afterwords is normal. the extent that your describing however is not. whatever you do don't hold your pee in, holding it in after getting a catheter can cause a UTI. even though it hurts, you gotta let it out.

  2. I got a urinary infection from a catheder. So see a doctor and see. In the meantime drink plenty of water and cranberry juice.

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