
Pain and mild scoliosis?

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Hey I've been having a lower back pain for a couple of months now, I thought it was my bed but I got an x-ray and I have mild scoliosis. It does not look bad, you can not even tell but the pain is unbearable. What can I do about the pain? I do not want to take a pill everyday though. Is there a way to fix it to a point where the pain will go away?/ Thanks!!




  1. You really can't fix scoliosis to a point where the pain will go away without one of the treatment choices listed below.  Once you have scoliosis, you'll always have it.  Your bones have grown curved.

    You said one thing that you may find needs an attitude change - I did.  Pain management.  I was hurting so much that I was tearing.  I hated the idea of taking pills.  In fact, my goal was to get off of all pills altogether.  But it wasn't to be.  With the meds I'm taking, I'm mostly pain-free.  If I miss a dose, I'm guarenteed to be on the way to major pain again.

    Here's a list of treatment options you'll have:

    o You can exercise - that strengthens your core muscles which may reduce pain or help keep pain away, but it won't treat your curve.

    o You can wear a brace - Many people, myself included, have worn them. They are supposed to keep your curve from getting worse, or at least slow down the speed at which your curve is increasing. They usually don't fix your curve.  Bracing is only effective if your curve is around 25-40 degrees and you are still growing.

    o pain management - pain pills or injections bring many of us with major pain to the point where most people are without the meds. There are many meds that are either taken by themselves or in combination with other meds. The key is to keep your pain doc informed when something isn't working (after giving it a reasonable chance to work). This should be done only if surgery isn't possible or you still have problems even after surgery.

    o Surgery - This is done usually if your curve is greater than 50 degrees or it is increasing fast enough that there's little doubt that the curve will soon be greater than 50 degrees. This is the treatment you get when all else fails.

    Please email if you have questions.

  2. Try Pilate's, it is a specific exercise to build up core strength and keep the spine in the correct position. Problem being when we hurt, we tend not to want to move in any direction that will cause pain, so the muscle are allowed to waste, which means the spine is moving all over the place. Pilate's will show you how to isolate the many muscle groups, works them and so keep the spine straight. Best of Luck

  3. How old are you? If you aren't done growing yet, your scoliosis needs to be treated. There are three main categories of treatment: observation, bracing, and surgery. Treatment of scoliosis is based on the severity of the curve and the chances of the curve getting worse.

    If the curve is small when first diagnosed, it can be observed and followed with routine X-rays and measurements. If the curve stays below 25 degrees, no other treatment is needed. If the curve is between 25-40 degrees, a brace may be recommended. If the curve is greater than 40 degrees, then surgery may be recommended. If the curve stays below 40 degrees until the person is finished growing, it is not likely to get worse later in life.

    In most cases, scoliosis is not painful. Additionally, there are other causes of back pain, which your doctor will want to look for as well.

    Talk with your spine doc about getting a referral for a PT evaluation for a program to strengthen your core muscles (abdominal and back). Phase 1 focuses on education, posture, and flexibility to decrease pain. Phase 2 emphasizes strength and fitness activities to improve function.  This will help a lot.

    Mine upper curve is fused, but my lower is not fused but it stabilized in the 40s. If I sleep too long I wake up a little achey, but it goes away as soon as I get up and get moving. I'm supposed to take 1-2 Alleve at bed time, but us nurses are awful patients, so I don't do it regularly.

  4. I take 400 mgs. Tramadol,4000 mg. Tyenol,1200 mg. Lodiene,10 mg predisone each day.Been doing it over 6 years and still working and paying taxes.

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