
Pain in Pelvic region?

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I am 34 weeks, I have horrible pain like I am splitting in half when I walk, bend down, or get up from my chair. There's constant pressure down there on my pubic bone. It seems to be more in the morning then any other time of day. I go to my doctor's tomorrow so I will ask. Has anyone else experienced this? What is it?




  1. Yea you got some stupid answers.  lol ! Its your baby dropping more then likely its a UTI, unless it hurts to go the bathroom.  Then yes. But I have the same thing starting about 35 weeks and the baby dropped and boy oh boy did it hurt.  But as time goes it gets a little easier but it will be like this till you deliver.  And times it hurts and others its not so bad but it will be consistent.  The babies head is done now and at times it will feel like he's wedged in there.  I don't know why some women get this and others don't.  

    good luck,  the old wise tail is that when baby drop's you have 2-4 weeks left.

  2. probably braxton hicks contractions. Pre Labor Pains. If they come every 15 minutes you should get to the hospital or call your Dr.

  3. nope

  4. Well, I experienced that, but it was AFTER delivery. It may be a case where you have a slight bladder infection, which is what I had. Just knowing I had to get up, I was in tears! They gave me a dose of meds that caused my pee to become an orange color and w/i a few days, I was back to normal. I also had a slight kidney infection as well, but that wasn't nearly as painful as the bladder area!

    The other thing could be that maybe the baby's sitting on a nerve in that area which is causing the pain. Try a gentle massage to see if you can get the baby to move a little and maybe that'll ease the pressure. My son would stretch and make it feel like he was trying to come out, but it was simply his stretching that caused the pressure. Good thing you have a doc appt b/c he/she may be able to help you out w/ the source.  

  5. It could be from your joints loosening for delivery. As long as you aren't having cramping, I would just wait to ask the doctor tomorrow. I wonder if there are stretches you can do to help, or not.  

  6. It sounds to me like it could be Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) or just a consequence of your pregnancy.  Good luck!
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