
Pain in chest please help!!!

by Guest65457  |  earlier

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Okay so for the last few weeks i've been experiencing a bad chest pain it sometimes goes away then comes back. Also yesterday my throat sort of got tight. It hurts most when i breath in and bend sertain ways. If anybody has any idea as to what this is please help.




  1. this happened to me it seemed for a little over  a month maybe even longer. I think it was from casually working out and just growing. It wasn't a strong pain but I could deffinitley feel it when I breathed in or pressed on my chest. So, it's probably nothing to be worried about unless it gets extremley irritated then I would visit the Doctor.

  2. sounds like torn ligaments or pulled muscles try taking advil or aleve..But you need to see a doctor if you think it might be more.

  3. There are certain things that really need to be evaluated by a doctor and severe chest pains are one of them.  A lot of people die of heart attacks because they think the pain is 'nothing' when it is really 'something'.  Get it checked.  It could be a blockage or it could just be a muscle spasm but none of us really knows the answer.

  4. Okay,it could be many reasons,and not necessarily has to be Heart attack...

    Maybe you got scared by something you saw and your chest hurts...

    If the pain persists for several days(4-7),then I recommend that you see a doctor.

  5. Go to the hospital

  6. several possibilities but to be sure see a doctor if it seems serious.  

    To deal with it yourself, make sure you eat small amounts several times a day vs. a huge meal at one sitting.  drink plenty of water with your meals.  get daily exercise, even if only a fast walk.  lose weight if you need to.  are you having trouble sleeping?  if so, establish a regular sleep pattern and stick to it.  take melatonin to help you get to sleep if need.  

    If anxiety, deal with whatever in life is making you irrationally fearful.

  7. heart attack--not just for old people



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