
Pain in lower stomach for over 24 hours. when sitting, it doesnt hurt whwhat could it be? tums didnt work?

by  |  earlier

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please help! it doesnt hurt when im sitting, but when i walk or move by stomach(suck in) it hurts so bad. ive had it for over 24 hours and it started after a huge meal.




  1. Sounds like gas to me,I get this on occasion,try lying on your belly with a pillow underneath,that may force that trapped air out,if its there for another 24 hours then I would go to the doc,there is an outside chance that it may be appendicitis

  2. It could be a hernia.  I had one recently and had to have surgery.  It was just from lifting something heavy, but I didn't think it would hurt me.  It did.  It's possible that you didn't really "notice" it until the big meal.

    Maybe appendix also.

    Get to a doctor asap.  Maybe even go to the ER, man.  It could be serious, and you won't find a doctor appointment on Saturday night.

    It isn't going to go away by itself after 24 hours of pain.

    Don't do anything stupid.  Get medical help now.

  3. if its on your right side it could be appendicitis

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