
Pain in my Kidney Area?

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I have had this hurting in right side right by the kidney area. I also

had pain , in my upper side as well.. I had surgery almost 2 wks ago, and had my gallbladder removed. All was ok. BUT, I am healing well in

that area, but that pain, and hurting in my right side started in again.

I seen my surgeon and told him about it and I showed him where it

hurt and he said sounds like your kidney. So my question is, Do you

feel it might be kidney problems or infection. I am not having any urination problems or anything. But this scares me :( Please if you all will give me some input on this.. Thanks a bunch...




  1. i dont think its an infection. when i had the same thing my life coach patiently explained to me tht it was simply because of the geese miggrating north. it has something to do with the sent they leave behind they passes though and ive been better all i had to was live through it for the time it happened still hgets me every year when they migrate..i try to leave the counrty during these times so tht my kidny desnt ache....  

  2. you may be passing a kidney stone, but check with your doctor to be sure, hope you feel better.

  3. lot of symptoms of kidney failure, you might having difficulty in micturation, dont have stable bp, edema, etc.. y dont you try to have an urinalysis? . nd cbc

  4. Sounds familiar to me.

    In about March last year I started getting pain over my right kidney area while riding my bike long distances on a regular basis.  The GP I saw thought it could have been my gall bladder and sent me for an ultrasound which came back clear.  He put me on antibiotics because I had a high temperature with it.

    A couple of weeks later I had severe gastric reflux, ulcers and a raging abdo infection.  The reflux continued in a severe manner despite taking Nexium for it and still being on antibiotics for several months because my temp remained high and my right upper abdo going around to my right kidney was red and hot.

    I might mention here I have MS and other autoimmune disorders.

    By September/October I had a severe infection in that kidney, temp was 40 degrees Celsius, Antibiotics still and then it spread to my long thoracic nerve and eventually paralysed a couple of muscles in my right shoulder.  And gave me a severe chest infection.

    I had many tests last years but the ultrasounds showed no infection at first.

    I would say go back to the doctor and tell them what I've told you.  YOU have an infection brewing.  You could also have internal scaring and adhesions following the operation.

  5. Could be an infection, maybe not. Go see your doctor.

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