For about a month now, i have been waking up with extreme pain in my chest. It kills me to take a deep breath in, I feel like pain in the middle of my chest and just above the stomach. I also sometimes feel it in my neck. The pain sometimes goes away after a few deep breaths, sometimes it lasts all day long. It is really frustrating. I have asthma so sometimes i cannot take a deep breath and it effects my asthma. I have had chest x-rays and ekg's done and nothing comes up. Could this be a muscle i keep reinjuring in my sleep? I sleep on my back so i dont know how it would hurt a muscle. I have also tried sleeping without the AC on to see if it was that, and it still was there when i woke up. I keep taking IBprofuns to take the edge off, but i cannot do that the rest of my life. Any one else have this? Any suggestions?