
Pain in my feet after running?

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okay after i run or sprint it hurts in my ankles i am not out of shape and i stretch what can i do to make the pain go away




  1. Buy better/new shoes.

    Most people do not have normal arches, which is how most shoes are made. Go to a running store to determine if you have a low arch, or high, and purchase some shoes to specifically fit your foot. They will help a lot!!

  2. You may just have weak ankles (like I do).  It won't get better unless you strengthen them.  Try getting a stretch band and use it every day.  One exercise you can do to strengthen them would be to (extend your leg and wrap it around your foot, holding both ends) and flex your foot forward.  Do this 20 times, then to each side 20 times.  Hope this works for you!

  3. i have a high arch (unfortunately) and i used to get foot pain all the time when playing tennis. but then i got some arch supports and better shoes and it helped! but i reccommend you go to a running store or a sports store like Sport Chalet or Sports Authority or Chick's and have them evaluate your feet and find you the best possible shoe. but as for the pain, you either might have weak ankles (or an ankle problem) or a high arch that is aggravated by your shoes. hope i helped, and maybe it would be best to just go to the doctor haha

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