
Pain in my head,could anyone help?

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i have a pain in my head localised in a small area on the right roughly above my ear feels like someone has it in a vice,the pain increases when i inhale or exhale,or if i swallow....i also have ringing in my head...its not my sinuses as i have had them checked out....does anyone have an idea? many thanks




  1. It could be an hormonal headache some people get them in a particular time in their menstrual cycle.  Or stress related have you been worried about anything that could bring on a stress related headache.  Lack of sleep or too much sleep than is not normal for you disturbing your body clock.  Another is caffeine some people suffer headaches when they get less or more than their usual intake.  If you feel dizzy with the headaches or nausea I suggest you see your doctor.  Hope this helps Good luck

  2. Could be tmj or temporal vascular problem.

  3. Sounds like an ear infection but you must see your doctor or go to your local A&E.

  4. You need to see a doctor to get this properly sorted out. There aren't many things which cause such a localised pain, so you need to get a correct diagnosis. If the doc investigates and everything comes back normal, then see a chiropractor, as it could be coming from a trapped nerve. but don't put up with it any longer. Good luck.

  5. do you have migraine's? that might be whats wrong...or i would do your best to see a Neroologist not a doctor but your symptoms sound like an anuerism i would get a CT and MRI but you very well may have severe migraines  

  6. see your doctor or visit the hospital. Its the best way to make sure.

  7. Sounds like migraine type of pain.

    Go and ask the doctor who knows more things and he will give you some pain killers as well.

    Good luck.

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