I am so sorry, I have yet another question. I have never been pregnant and definitely have never had a miscarriage, so I have just so many questions :(
I miscarried on July 21st. I know that I ovulated and at that time I had strange twinges of pain on my left ovary that the dr. said could probably be a cyst that is normal during pregnancy and since I just had a m/c nothing to worry about and it was probably just going away.
Well, now I FINALLY have my period (first normal cycle) and I have crazy sharp twingy pain in my left ovary again. This time its a little worse. Its not like I am doubling over in pain or anything, but it definitely hurts. Would this be an ovarian cyst? Why? I have never had this before. Should I be worried?
My husband and I definitely want to ttc this month when I ovulate, will be be able to if it is a cyst? I am so worried. Will this prevent pregnancy????
Please help. What is this pain?