
Pain in my side while running...?

by  |  earlier

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Well I was running and noticed a pain in my side and I thought it was my right hip and it wasn't. It's not all the time but sometimes when I run I can notice it. Could it be an organ or something? What is it?




  1. Its probably just a cramp but if it doesn't stop hurting after you stop running you might have something wrong so see your doctor if i starts happening when your not running but other than that its probably just a cramp i get it when im running and swimming.

  2. could be your appendix.

  3. its normal to get cramps while running, it may be because of drinking water before you run, or even eating... sometimes its because yur not paying attention to yur breathing properly, so if it happens take long deep breathes and raising yur arms over yur head to stretch sometimes helps! id advise to try and keep a good breathing rhythm and just see how it goes.

    if it gets too serious and persists, then seek advice from a doctor.

  4. It sounds like a cramp, try to stretch it our a little or use ice.

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