
Pain in shoulder, grinding, clicking, numbness, throbbing? what is it?

by  |  earlier

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was in a car accident awhile back, drs said it was nothing, didn't get a chance to do a second opinion YET. so don't tell me to go get one, appointment is already made, what I'm lookin for is other people with the same deal, and what they were told it is, and how it was treated.

symptoms: for the most part its numb from shoulder on down to finger tips. BUT when not numb its cold in the shoulder, sometimes numb, always throbbing, the joint clicks and grinds with all movement. There is a decrease in movement lately. Kinda like its falling asleep. I've noticed that I cant grip things like I used to, and normal things like typing are all off. I have to slow down and actually Watch what Im typing now. sometimes the muscles twitch and jump. Taking otc's hardly take the pain away.

anyone with the same? does it sound like a separation, dislocation? messed up rotator cuff? Please just personal experience, anyone can copy and paste from other sights.




  1. i had this due to a car crash - it was an inpingment on the shoulder causing the grinding and clunking. with a tear on the rotor cuff.

    i had surgery and it great now.

    guess being a hairdresser didnt help my condition now.

    you will need an MRI as it wont show up on the other scans

  2. Go to a chiropractor, it may be a nerve in your spine, specifically the neck area, that's being pinched. I have two vertebrae pinching a disc which is also pinching a nerve and some days it feels like my shoulder is killing me, causing 3 of my fingers in my righ thand to feel numb, doesn't happen every day, but enough to notice. I often have to have someone pull my head straight up or out, depending on my position, laying or sitting. Also, try sleeping with no pillow. My father's chiropractor told me of my problem and showed me where it was happening. Whereas my Kaiser P. doctor said everything looks find and not to worry, stupid physician's, won't actually treat patients unless there's big money involved.

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