
Pain medication for chronic pain

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  1. Pain is an interruption in the flow of a balanced energy form one cell to another. It can also be well explained in a simple way as – It is a distressing sensation in a particular part of the body. Darvocet is used to treat nearly mild to moderate pains.For information visit :

  2. I've suffered from severe debilitating pain from off the chart knee problems. I had both replaced and with the second replacement I suffered a severe side effect of severe edema of both legs so bad that my skin weeps. And I can barely walk from the pain. Its so bad if I didn't have my pain meds id have put a bullet in my head years ago. Now to answer your question, depending on the cause of the pain you unfortunately have to play the "jump threw the hoop" games with the drs as hardly any of them want to prescribe what works for most people which is a narcotic of some kind. Over the years and with the consultation of a pain managment specialist who backed up my doctors treatment I am preascribed the generic version of ms contin 100 mg tablets . The generic is morphine sulfate extended release. Its a 12 hour medicine. With this rx I also get morphine sulfate instant release which is more of an immediate release (within 45 minutes). These medicines are on the same lines as the. Medicine being bad mouthed in the media called oxi contin. The ms contin doesn't give you a body high like the oxi contin, it just takes away your pain. You must have a condition requiring this level of narcotic and if you receive it from your doctor take it as prescibed do not play games with this medicine as it is ver powerful. I'm not sure what country you live in but I do know this medicine is available in the usa. I hope u find something that works for your conditionwhat ever it maybe!!!

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