
Pain medicine mixing and double dosing?

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I have a BAD toothache right now. I have Hydrocodene/APAP 5MG/500MG

I took one the other night and it did nothing. It says take 1 by mouth 3 times a day.

I just took one about 20 minutes ago. Usually by now I feel it kicking in. Can I take another RIGHT now.

Also, what is another good med for tooth pain. I guess I have an inflammation because my gum is making my cheek puffy and it's a throbbing pain.




  1. Yes. Try panadol and hurry on to the dentist.

  2. Yes, if  you will be perfectly fine to take another, probably not recommended by doctors but you'll be fine I promise, unless you have some strange allergic reaction to the medicine or something. But if you've taken hydrocodenes before then you'll be fine. And as far as taking something else. Get you some ibuprofen or something with the main ingredient as ibuprofen like motrin. ibuprofen is inflammatory which is exactly what you need as you have already figured out. Strait ibuprofen or motrin is 200 mg. Prescription Ibuprofen is 800 mg. There fore taking 4 normal ibuprofen or motrin is exactly the same and safe. In fact I'll usually take 5, 6, or 7 of them, especially for a tooth ache like you are describing. Well I hoped I helped you. Now if you are a 100 pounds and extremely skinny don't go crazy with popping pills but if you are averaged sized these numbers should be absolutely fine for you. Good luck with your pain. I just had 9 feelings and my tongue pierced in the same day so I feel your pain.

  3. yes you can take another one, but be careful as APAP is horrible for your liver.

    if the medication is not working and you're in pain, see your doctor.

  4. Argh Bad tooth pain sucks!

    First - Drink some warm/hot water or some hot tea.

    That will make the tablets work faster.

    Wait another 20 minutes and then reassess.

    If your face is swollen it might be an infection? you need antibiotics in that case before anything can be done or it gets better.

    I don't know wher eyou are but in Australia you can buy 'Nurofen Plus' over the counter without prescription. It has 12 mg Codiene and a dose of Ibuprofen which is anti inflamitory and the BEST for tooth pain.

    I'm sure where ever you are there is Ibuprofen/codiene mix under a different name.

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